13 October 2012

Get the latest and the best music all in 1 place !!!!

2:01 PM By Unknown ,

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What is Hype Machine?

If you're looking for a wonderful and the simplest way to stay in touch with the latest music, you will find it all at just one place -The Hype Machine. 

The site was created because a guy was thwarted with music magazines as he did not find  any apt list for his taste of music. .

Earlier, when there was no sound website for the best lists of music, users had to visit too many websites or blogs to find the list of music apt for their taste. But, now this problem no longer exists.

The Hype machine is just the ideal spot for all the music lovers around the globe.
It sustains a Top 50 list for all the different types of music, albums and thus is the most ideal website even  for the users having varied musical taste all across the globe.

To open  hype machine website click on the link here : hype machine

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Why should you visit Hype Machine?
1)  Because it goes through a lot of music blogs (around 1500 blogs) and then prepares the list of its top 50 songs. Certainly, there is a lot of effort being put in (intensive research) this. So, it must be definitely given a preference over other blogs.
2)  Because its list is being created by going through ‘’already-existing Best Music lists” from various blogs, It is like a heaven for all the music lovers.
3)    Because the list of the songs, albums and all the other lists get updated in just 3 days, there definitely cannot be anything better than the hype machine.
4)  A wide variety of features are included in the website. Users can create an account in the website, and also get notified through e-mails about the latest music from time to time.
5)   Users can maintain a separate list of their personal favorite tracks ,their listened songs’ history, receive updates from their favorite friends, artists and blogs,
6)  Users don’t have to search anywhere else in order to find the list of top 50 current songs, albums or artists of all types (be it rock, jazz, soft music etc.) All of these are available just at 1 place – The hype machine.
7)    Lists such as top 50 remixes, non-remixes, top videos, favorites on twitter are also displayed here.
8)  Also, users can "Love" songs on Hype Machine. The Hype Machine sustains a Popular List for the last three days and the previous week, both the lists are determined by the number of "loves" given to each song by users.
9)   The site has  also added a  section of listened history, in which users can see what songs their friends have recently listened to, and they can also add those songs in their favorites list.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->10) <!--[endif]-->The Hype Machine has also launched its I-Phone app, and so it can now even be used on I-Phones, i-pads.

Thus, in a nutshell the Hype Machine is like a paradise for all the music lovers. People with immense passion for music should consider this as “The Bible of Music”.

If You have any queries in mind related to Hype machine, then you may comment below...
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