21 March 2013

Get rid from YouTube bot for Views and try to use Addmefast...

2:54 PM By Gaurav Sharma

Increase traffic in YouTube
Before the beginning of this post, I have to ask some questions about this article.. 

To know that-is this article for you or not?


  • Are you having a YouTube channel?
  • Are you willing to increase your views on any YouTube video uploaded by you or your friend?
  • Are you using YouTube bot for views?
  • Are you getting a problem of outranking of your videos from YouTube and Google’s top pages and also with this situation that you are getting good views through YouTube bot on those videos?
  • Have you desired to increase your YouTube revenue?

If you are getting any “YES” for the above questions, then this article for you SIR…

As a normal publisher, every buddy wants a decent organic traffic for his videos from YouTube and Google.

So, due to this, many of those publishers like me are starting to use these costly and expensive YouTube bots for views on YouTube.

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Yes, it is true that if you got good impressions on your YouTube video, your YouTube video is slowly moving up on YouTube pages due to its virility and slowly you get organic traffic for your YouTube channel.
YouTube Search logo

But in case of YouTube bot, the rule of ranking a video is fully opposite because Google can easily find that what type of gadgets you are using to increase the virtual views.

The long use of this bot becomes the main reason of getting your videos out ranked from the main pages of YouTube and Google which help you to get an organic traffic for income.

What is the Remedy?

The remedy of this situation is ADDMEFAST.

First question arises in your mind is, I know:


Addmefast logo
Actually, addmefast is the one of the best tools to increase your social presence in many social networking sites. Through addmefast you can get tons of twitter followers, Face book post or page likes, YouTube video likes and much more very easily and in an effective way.

How can it help us to increase your YouTube videos view?

The procedure of getting YouTube views through addmefast is very simple.
In this system, you have to earn points to increase the Youtube views.

And to earn points, you have to view videos of other subscribers on this service or like it.

When you have viewed and liked any videos of any subscribers, then some points are added in your account.

For example- If a subscriber issues 9 points for viewing his video on addmefast, then 9 points has given to those viewers who watches his video.

Similarly, if anybody watches your video, the points has issued by you for that video are deducted from account and added to the other one’s account.
For better understanding of this concept, I also added a video on “how to operate addmefast to increase your youtube views?”

I think after watching the above video, you understand that addmefast is very easy tool to operate and increase your likes, subscribers and followers in many social networking sites like Facebook, twitter, etc.

How can it help your videos to improve their rank in Google and YouTube pages?

Getting different views from the globe can help to improve the rating of your video which can help your video to climb up on the main pages of YouTube and Google Search.


If you are a blogger and owns a particular site, then this site can help you to increase your facebook likes and twitter followers, but I don’t guarantee that are you getting traffic from those likes or not?

Because all those users who likes your page are non-targeted traffic.

I think this post will helped you to solve your problems on youtube channel, but if you get any problem related to this topic which are not mention here, then you can comment your suggestion or problem below…

And at last, do not forget to subscribe us to get more juicy updates on YouTube and social media.
---------------------------------Thank you--------------------------------------

About the author

is a technical blogger who loves to write about games, tips and tricks,best useful software , android programming.If you like the author than you can find more interesting stuff by stay connected with him on Facebook , Twitter, Google plus and LinkedIn.
Gaurav Sharma -Author
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