Do you want to speed up your blog by using Free
CDN service?
Do you want to secure your blog from hackers
by using Free CDN service?
If your answer is yes, then
today, this post can help you to prevent your blog from loading slow and any
unethical events done by a hacker.
I know that from ancient
times of blogging, many bloggers are fed up by the optimisation of his blog due
to slow speed.
In the starting of my blog, I
also get this type of problem.
So that is why, I am going to
discuss here about an awesome tool for your blog which can help you to overcome
these problems in simple way.
CloudFlare-A Free CDN Service which speeds
up and secures your blog in few minutes.
CloudFlare is one of the best
free CDN services and DNS services
around the globe which provides blogger a better environment to run his blog
with fast speed and prevent from hacking without giving any money to the
cloudflare provider.
In Today’s world, CDNs cover all the internet
content market such as web objects,
downloadable objects, applications, live streaming media,
on-demand streaming media, and social networks.
How Free CDN service helps
your blog to run faster?
Actually, Content Delivery
Network (CDN) consists of many servers all over the globe, which takes a copy
or cache of your blog and distributes it.
When a visitor tries to
access your blog, it is first connected to the nearby server present in his
From that server, the copy or
cache of your blog has been sent to your visitors, which helps to load up your
blog very quickly.
It also supports your DNS to
reduce the bandwidth of your blog which decreases the number of errors and 404
occurred in your blog.
What are the main features of this tool,
which makes this tool much better than the other Free CDN service?
- Globally distributed CDN – CloudFlare Data servers are placed all over the world, which helps your DNS to load up your blog fast to any visitor present at any part of the world.
- Static Content Caching – Due to CloudFlare static content caching system, it helps your blog to reduce the bandwidth of your DNS server.
- Keep your blog online – Sometimes, when your blog DNS goes down, it keeps your blog online.
- Optimize your blog Content – It serves you to optimize and resize images which are present in your blog and minifies your JavaScript, CSS, HTML code as well. It also provides rocket loader service, which helps your blog JavaScript responds much faster than the last time.
- Block spammers and hackers – It also helps you to block the spammers and hackers to visit your blog and do any unethical stuff.
- Free Apps and tools – It also provides some essential tools which may help your blog to look smarter and more secure. Here I listed some tools, which are provided by Cloudflare to the users.
Google Analytics to check the total number of threats arrived at your blog.
Page Rules to
stop the particular static page from Cloudflare service.
Pingdom tool to
check the speed of your blog regularly and sends you an email about an error
and speed of your blog.
This is all about Cloudflare
(how is it better than other Free CDN
In the forthcoming post, I am
going to tell you – How to implement this Free
CDN service in your blog.
If you have any queries
related to this post, which is about Free
CDN service, you can comment below and ask your queries to me. I try my
level best to reply your queries as fast as I can do.
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