31 December 2012

How to block country IP to save your blog from Click Bombing?

Click Bombing

In today’s world, there are many bloggers who face some problems like invalid click activity or click bombing on their blogs.

This type of activity has been done by some mischievous persons and enemies who have a bad intention to destroy your blog income from Google AdSense account.

So, today’s article for those bloggers, who have an intense desire to block that country IP, IP range and a particular IP to save your blog from click bombing.

What is Click bombing?

Click bombing is a method to destroy your blog income from Google AdSense by a user on clicking your ads more than 100 or usual clicks of your blog.

Doing such mischievous act by click bomber, Google AdSense interprets that you have given an order to your friend to click on your ads, so that you can increase your income rapidly.

This is the main reason behind that many blogger AdSense accounts have been disapproved by Google.

How to get rid of this incident of Click bombing?

First, the most important thing is that you have to file a report to the Google AdSense by clicking on the given link (Google AdSense Invalid Activity Report).

After sending a report to Google AdSense, the next thing you have to do to block that country IP, IP range and a particular IP by this awesome software.


A free Content Delivery Network service for those users, who want to block a country IP, IP range and a particular IP to save your site from Click Bombing.

To know more about this service and installation part, you can click on the given links below.

After adding a CNAME and A record in your DNS of domain, if any user wants to block country IP, IP range and a particular IP, he can follow these simple steps.

STEP 1: First open your account and then click on the link or photo as shown in image.
Block Country IP from Incapsula

STEP 2: After clicking, a page appears on your screen as shown in figure below. Click on “Settings” button, which is present at the top of the menu bar to block country IP, IP range and a particular IP.
Block Country IP from Incapsula

STEP 3: After pressing on “Settings” button, click on “Security” menu as shown in image below (present at sidebar).
Block Country IP from Incapsula

STEP 4: Then, Scroll down, you can find some boxes to block country IP, IP range, URL and a particular IP as shown in image below.
Block Country IP from Incapsula

STEP 5: After entering and selecting IPs on given boxes, save it to block country IPs, IP range and a particular IP.


Now in future, your blog is saved from those mischievous users, who have an intention to click on your Ads continuously.


If you are adding your native country in block country IP, then please whitelist your IP by adding your IP in “whitelist IP” box.

If you have any queries related to this post, you can comment below.

Author: Gaurav Sharma
    About the Author
    Hello Friends,I am pursuing B.tech(Computer Science) degree from VIT University(Originator and Co-Founder of ComFuge-A World of Geeks). If you like my Post you can follow me.
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29 December 2012

Stream your music with free music storage on Dropbox.

free music storage

Free music storage for all

Dropbox has now become one of the best free online cloud storage in the world. Many famous sites referred him as the best free cloud based storage service.Here in this post I have discussed about the hosting for a free music storage where you can stream your music without waiting for invitations or paying an extra penny for extra privileges.You have heard of many of music storage services like Amazon Cloud Drive,Google Music and ,Apple iCloud . But this doesnt mean that this thing are limited to them only. Now we many free music storage services or can convert free online cloud storage services to free music storage's with the help of some API which I am going to discuss it now.

So the most good one is Droptunes. The best Dropbox API to start with is Droptunes. There is no good better than Dropbox to convert it as
free music storage for all the songs you have.


Do you have a Dropbox account? If do not have it than have now from https://www.dropbox.com/.

Than you use Droptunes. You have to do nothing just simply add some of your best music to your Dropbox folder and log into Droptunes account. Now you can play any music from any browser.That how your dropbox account work as
free music storage folder.

droptunes free music storage
Click to enlarge

The player may be flash based or based on HTML5 depending on what browser or version you are using.

There are other more free music storage services available which you will be interested to know about it.

TunesBag Free Music Storage

An awesome free music storage to listen up your music online. It also facilitates the service to connect your account with Dropbox as storage.

Mougg- Free Music Storage

It is an also a good free music storage service which let you upload your music stream from cloud. Also one of the best part is that it integrates also with Android, making it more worthier than Goole music.

Grooveshark-Free Music Storage

Grooveshark a free music library of almost all music.So there is no nedd of free music storage to upload your files into it and than stream from there. It is also free and legal online music, and also pretty much every song we can think of is freely available and streamable with this.And always be updated for efficient and better services.

Zumocast- Free Music Storage

If you want dont want to upload your music to cloud, but still want to access your collection than try Zumocast which turns your computer to a personal cloud.In this you have to leave your computer at home to be used anywhere else and it will work depends on quality of internet connection you have.So your computer is more likely as free music storage.


I hope you have get an valuable info. Please feel free to comment to motivate us.

About the author

is a technical blogger who loves to write about games, tips and tricks,best useful software , android programming.If you like the author than you can find more interesting stuff by stay connected with him on Facebook , Twitter, Google plus and LinkedIn.
Shubham Kedia -Author
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26 December 2012

mSpy – Best spy software for your mobile and tablet.

mSpy – Best spy software for your mobile and tablet.

With so many teens dreaming about a new tablet this Christmas, parents can’t help worrying about children’s internet usage.

Tablets give children a great opportunity to interact with their friends but they can also turn out to be extremely dangerous for their privacy.

During the holiday season, social media activities of children are on the rise and they are sharing more photos and videos on social networks. So meanwhile, they risk coming across online predators.

Parents need to tell children about the dangers of Internet but such talks won’t guarantee their safety. Monitoring teen’s tablet activities with tablet best spy software would be enough to ensure their online safety.

mSpy is an unrivalled tablet best spy software which keep tracks of children’s tablet activities and lets parents view all the logs later.

Thanks to best spy software-mSpy, parents can check the websites visited by their kids, find out their GPS location whenever there is a need, and read messages sent/received by them. Moreover, they can also block certain apps, restrict calls from predefined numbers and restrict access to inappropriate content.

mSpy will help you keep your children away from such hazards, making the Christmas holiday season peaceful and prosperous.

Discreet Monitoring

mSpy – Best spy software for your mobile and tablet.

mSpy is one of the best spy software, which runs silently in the background and doesn’t show any signs of its presence. It keeps the record of all actions by the tablet’s user and immediately transmits logs to your online control panel. You can check logs remotely from any Internet-enabled device.

Furthermore, mSpy tracks all websites visited and lets you see where the tablet was at any given moment. In addition, this software logs all contacts, calendar events, and enables you to view all photos snapped or downloaded.

How mSpy- Best spy software for your mobile and tablet works?

mSpy – Best spy software for your mobile and tablet.

MSpy is the cutting-edge tablet best spy software that is installed directly onto the tablet you want to track. Upon installation, MSpy starts silently recording the tablet activities, including web history, emails, GPS locations and more.

The great news is that you don’t need to get access to the tablet to view the logs because just like cell phone tracking software, MSpy sends the data to your online control panel where it is divided into different categories for convenience.

MSpy tablet best spy software includes all the features you need for keeping your child’s tablet usage in check. This application is easy to use and can be used for handling all your tablet monitoring needs.

I also wrote an article on (How to stop your kids from watching Adult Contents?) which helps you to protect your children from adult content.

If you have any queries related to this post, you can comment below.

This is a guest post by Kate pirs from Mspy-Best spy software. If you would like to write for ComFuge-A World of Geeks, check our guest posting guidelines.

Author-Kate Pirs
    About the Author
    This is a guest post by Kate pirs from Mspy and Search Engine Optimization by . For further information, please, visit- Mspy 

25 December 2012

How to get Technorati Claim for your blog?

Technorati Logo

What is Technorati?

So, what exactly is Technorati? Because we are at the beginning of a Technorati Claim post, this is definitely an issue we need to be clear on!

Technorati is a type of blog submission directory, which is used to find blogs of different areas or ideas like technology, Fashion, Movies, music, etc. in the blogosphere.

Why is it important to get Technorati Claim for your blog?

As I explain you in the last paragraph that Technorati is a blog submission directory, so it helps you to get more traffic for your blog, so that you get more revenue from your ads providers.

It also helps you to get more reputation in Google search, SEO blog rank and Google AdSense.

What are the steps involved to get Technorati Claim for your blog?

To get the Technorati Claim, you just have to follow these simple steps below.

STEP 1: First, open the portal of Technorati and make an account in it.

STEP 2: After creating the account, enter the Username and Password associated with your Technorati account.

STEP 3: After login, click on the username, which is present at the top of your account as shown in the figure below.
Technorati Claim- Username

STEP 4: After that, a webpage is opened in front of your screen with your account information. Scroll down to the bottom of the webpage and enter the URL of your blog in “My Claimed Blogs” and after that click on “Claim” button as shown in the image below.
Technorati Claim - Enter your URL and Claim

STEP 5: Fill out your blog details including Title, Feed URL, description and your blog categories in the given form. After the completion of the form, click on “Proceed to the next step” button.

STEP 6:  After clicking on “Proceed to the next step”, a webpage appears with a message as shown below.

Technorati Claim- Blog Claim Status

STEP 7:  Then, Click on “Return to profile” button, which is present at the top of the message.

STEP 8: Open your email id associated with Technorati account and retrieve the token and post the Technorati verification Token on your blog.

STEP 9: Then, scroll down to the bottom of your profile and click on “Check Claim” button as shown in the image below.
Technorati Claim- Check Claim

STEP 10: After that, a webpage has been appeared on your screen as shown below.
Click on “Verify Claim Token” button to get started the Technorati Claim Verification of your blog.

STEP 11: After some time, your Blog will be verified by Technorati. Now, you can remove the token from your blog. 
Technorati Claim- Congratulation

Congrats, you get the Technorati Claim for your blog.

If you have any queries related to this post, you can ask me by commenting below.

Gaurav Sharma
    About the Author
    Hello Friends,I am pursuing B.tech(Computer Science) degree from VIT University(Originator and Co-Founder of ComFuge-A World of Geeks). If you like my Post you can follow me.
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24 December 2012

Gaurav Sharma (Co-Founder of ComFuge-A World of Geeks)

Gaurav Sharma Profile Picture

Hey friends, I am  Gaurav Sharma (originator and founder of ComFuge-A World of Geeks) . Currently doing my B.Tech in CSE branch from VIT Chennai campus.

I have great interest in programming, blogging and all that relates to computer and its related technology. I also have a great interest in algebra, history and particularly, Political Sciences.

I also love to do adventures and go for tours with my friends. In short, I like travelling. I also love to play cricket and Multiplayer games

I also support the ideology of open source foundation and look forward to contribute a lot in future days.

    About the Author
    Hello Friends,I am pursuing B.tech(Computer Science) degree from VIT University(Originator and Co-Founder of ComFuge-A World of Geeks). If you like my Post you can follow me.
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23 December 2012

Four alternatives of Google Drive for Linux

alternatives of Google Drive for Linux.

This post is for all those dedicated users, who are finding alternatives of Google Drive for Linux.

Most of the Linux users often wonder as to why Google drive cannot be used on Linux or is any alternative of Google Drive for Linux in the market?

And those people even start thinking that Linux is not a better choice than Windows. Certainly that’s unfair to develop a thought like that because whatever can be done on Windows can be certainly done on Linux with the use of some better alternatives.

Well, this article will answer all the queries in their mind because I am writing about the various alternatives of Google Drive for Linux.

These alternatives provide even better features than Google Drive.

What is Google Drive and what does it do?

Google drive is an online file storage service started by Google.

It gives all its users 5GB of cloud storage space to start with. This can be extended up to a maximum limit of 25GB, which can be done by paying a small amount per month.
Users can operate on the stored files, and can access them from anywhere in the world from their Google account.

For more details, you can refer to this article (Get 5GB online storage for your important data on GoogleDrive).

The alternatives for Google Drive for Linux are as follows: -

Dropbox-Alternative of Google Drive for Linux

Dropbox-Alternative of Google Drive for Linux

  • Dropbox is a file hosting service that offers online cloud storage of data and one of the best alternatives of Google drive for Linux.
  • It allows users to create special folder on their computer.
  • Dropbox then synchronizes it. No matter on which computer it is viewed, the contents appears to be the same (without any changes on the folder).

For more details, you can refer to this article (Know what is dropbox and how it is different fromothers).

SpiderOak- Alternative of Google Drive for Linux

SpiderOak- Alternative of Google Drive for Linux

  • SpiderOak is an online tool to share, sync, access, back up and store data and one of the best alternatives of Google Drive for Linux.
  • Other than the features in Dropbox, SpiderOak also provides encryption facility.
  • You can not only backup your data online, but also you can also encrypt it before storing it.
  • Infact, all the data that you want to store on SpiderOak will all be encrypted before they will be actually stored.
  • An interesting thing to know here is that the files encrypted by you cannot be even viewed by the employees of SpiderOak. Thus, there is total privacy of your files.
  • Initially, the users are given 2GB of free space.
  • It is extendible up to 10GB of space.
  • Space can be extended from 2 to 10 GB by using referral system similar to the one in Dropbox.
  • If any of your friends accepts your reference to SpiderOak, you get additional 1GB space.

Ubuntu One- Alternative of Google Drive for Linux

Ubuntu One- Alternative of Google Drive for Linux

  • This tool is for all the Ubuntu users, and also for any other version of Linux.
  • If you are using Ubuntu, you don’t have to take up the pain of installing it. This is already installed in Ubuntu.
  • For other versions of Linux, you need to install it.
  • Initially, it offers its users with 5GB of free space.
  • This can be extended up to 20GB space.
  • Here also, the referral system is used to extend the cloud storage space.
  • Ubuntu One not only allows users to store data online, but also sync them between mobile and computer devices.
  • It also allows users to stream audio and music from cloud to mobile devices.

Wuala- Alternative of Google Drive for Linux

Wuala- Alternative of Google Drive for Linux

  • Wuala offers 5GB of free space and one of the best alternatives of Google Drive for Linux.
  • It can extend only up to 8GB.
  • It also encrypts the data locally, and then stores the data in its servers in an encrypted form.
  • Thus, the data is secured because it is kept in an encrypted form.
  • Not so high storage capacity as the other three, but still used because of its encryption ability.

If you have any queries related to alternatives of Google Drive for Linux, you can ask below through commenting.

    About the Author
    Hello Friends,I am pursuing B.tech(Computer Science) degree from VIT University(Co-Founder of ComFuge-A World of Geeks).