How much does a taxi costs from Montego Bay to Negril?
There are two
types of taxi services in Jamaica
1 Route taxi
2 Tourist taxi
1 à Route taxi:
License plate is red with white letters and digits.
One letter is 'P'. For example 'PA1234'. Goes to the spots listed on the side
of the taxi. usually that will be a pair of towns, the name of a road. Stops
en-route often to pick up and drop off individuals.
Need to change of taxi to reach your address, reckons
on where you start, where you want to go and the path of the taxi. The fare is
set by law but you should sustain the price before you enter the taxi. The tariff
is per person, one way. The currency of the
fare is normally
in Jamaican dollars. The cost from Montego Bay to Negril is $ 80
2 à Tourist taxi:
License plate is red with white character and figures.
One letter is 'P'. For example ‘PA1234’. Goes to wherever you specify. Stops
only if you ask the driver to stop. It is an individual service only and your
party will travel
Here we need to negotiate the fare before we enter the
taxi. The fare actually depends upon the person who is journeying , if he wants a one way trip the fare would be different and if it is
a round trip the fare will be different
because some waiting may also include , the fare for one way trip is $
110 and if it is round trip then
may range up to
$ 110 - $ 180